Javier Sánchez Broto
Javier Sánchez Broto was born in Barcelona, Spain on 25 August 1971 (age 53)
Javier Sánchez Broto stats
Check out all of the statistics about Javier Sánchez Broto.
- Goalkeeper
- Primary Position
- 1.86m (6ft 1in)
- Height
- 82kg (12st 12lb)
- Weight
- 25 August 1971 (age 53)
- Date of Birth
- Barcelona
- Birthplace
- Spain 🇪🇸
- Country of Birth
Career stats
- Team
GetafeSeason 2004 - 2005
- Country
- Spain 🇪🇸
- Games
- 20
- Goals
- -
- Team
Real MurciaSeason 2003 - 2004
- Country
- Spain 🇪🇸
- Games
- 9
- Goals
- -
- Team
CelticSeason 2002 - 2003
- Country
- Scotland 🏴
- Games
- 8
- Goals
- -
- Team
LivingstonSeason 2002 - 2003
- Country
- Scotland 🏴
- Games
- 24
- Goals
- -
- Team
LivingstonSeason 2001 - 2002
- Country
- Scotland 🏴
- Games
- 17
- Goals
- -
- Team
LivingstonSeason 2000 - 2001
- Country
- Scotland 🏴
- Games
- 6
- Goals
- -
- Team
AirdrieSeason 2000 - 2001
- Country
- Scotland 🏴
- Games
- 23
- Goals
- -
- Team
MalagaSeason 1999 - 2000
- Country
- Spain 🇪🇸
- Games
- 1
- Goals
- -
- Team
Out of contract1 June 2006
- From
- Type
- Retired
- Team
Getafe1 July 2004
- From
Real Murcia
- Type
- Signed
- Team
Real Murcia1 August 2003
- Type
- Unattached
- Team
Out of contract30 June 2003
- From
- Type
- Released
- Team
Celtic24 January 2003
- From
- Type
- Fee (£25k)
- Team
Livingston30 March 2001
- Type
- Free Transfer
- Team
Airdrie27 July 2000
- Type
- Bosman
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