Andy McCondichie
Andy McCondichie was born on 21 August 1977 (age 47)
Andy McCondichie stats
Check out all of the statistics about Andy McCondichie.
- Goalkeeper
- Primary Position
- 1.78m (5ft 10in)
- Height
- 78kg (12st 3lb)
- Weight
- 21 August 1977 (age 47)
- Date of Birth
- Scotland 🏴
- Country of Birth
Career stats
- Team
StranraerSeason 2004 - 2005
- Country
- Scotland 🏴
- Games
- 14
- Goals
- -
- Team
StranraerSeason 2003 - 2004
- Country
- Scotland 🏴
- Games
- 36
- Goals
- -
- Team
Raith RoversSeason 1999 - 2000
- Country
- Scotland 🏴
- Games
- 1
- Goals
- -
- Team
ClydebankSeason 1999 - 2000
- Country
- Scotland 🏴
- Games
- 1
- Goals
- -
- Team
Albion RoversSeason 1999 - 2000
- Country
- Scotland 🏴
- Games
- 2
- Goals
- -
- Team
CelticSeason 1998 - 1999
- Country
- Scotland 🏴
- Games
- 1
- Goals
- -
- Team
Hamilton AcademicalSeason 1997 - 1998
- Country
- Scotland 🏴
- Games
- 5
- Goals
- -
- Team
Out of contract30 June 2005
- From
- Type
- Signed
- Team
Stranraer19 June 2003
- Type
- Free Transfer
- Team
Clydebank15 October 1999
- From
- Type
- Loan
- Team
Albion Rovers17 September 1999
- From
- Type
- Loan
- Team
Raith Rovers21 August 1999
- From
- Type
- Loan
- Team
Hamilton Academical1 August 1997
- From
- Type
- Loan
- Team
Celtic9 June 1995
- Type
- Signed
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