Joe Ellison

Joe Ellison of St Johnstone was born on 27 June 2006 (age 18)

Born on 27 June 2006, Scottish footballer Joe Ellison currently finds himself at the heart of the St Johnstone midfield at the tender age of 18. Predominantly operating as a central defensive midfielder, he has quickly established a solid foundation within the team, regularly seen donning the number 40 jersey.

Although his career is still in its relative infancy, one can't look past the potential that Ellison has demonstrated in such a short span of time. Scotland, long known for nurturing and fostering football talent, seems to have produced yet another gem in the form of young Ellison. It's no wonder that he finds himself a mainstay in a Scottish Premiership team such as St Johnstone.

As his career continues to unfold, it stands to reason that he may eventually find himself wearing the colours of another club in the future. But for now, the youngster will continue to hone his skills in Perth, working tirelessly to meet the expectations that riding on his barely adult shoulders.

This player profile is regularly updated with the help of AI. Last updated 17 October 2024. Send feedback

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Cen Def Mid
Primary Position
Squad Number
27 June 2006 (age 18)
Date of Birth
Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Country of Birth
St Johnstone

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