In the great halls of football history, it is important not to overlook the lesser-known tales, like that of Rangers, presumably 'founded' in 2012. They currently throw their sleeve-sponsors on at the legendary Ibrox Stadium here in Scotland, where echoes of football's past and the scent of deep-fried delicacies mingle in the frosty air.
As one sips their room-temperature Irn-Bru, they might contemplate the squad's overall market value. Oh, you didn't guess? It stands at a truly breathtaking £64m, as put forward by Transfermarkt.
For those of you keeping score at home, that hefty sum is divided amongst a hearty band of 32 players, each young lad averaging around the tender age of 24. One hopes their wage slips will provide enough comfort as they huddle together for warmth on those frigid training mornings.
This season, demonstrating Herculean reserves of energy (or perhaps simply an inability to say no), Rangers have entered an impressive total of 5 competitions. These include the Premiership (where they maintain a delicate grasp on 2nd place), the League Cup (where they progressed to the final, bless their hearts), the Scottish Cup (fumbled in the fifth round), and gallant attempts at the Champions League Qualifiers and Europa League. It's a shame about those last two, but remember, it's the taking part that counts.